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Managed Backup 3-2-1 Solution

9.00  / month

Price per TB, minimum order 12 TB

WordPress – Ready to use

9.00  / month with a 7-day free trial

Managed WordPress offers a premium hosted environment specialized in WordPress. It includes expert WordPress support, automatic updates, and performance optimization for WordPress. This premium experience offers a completely hassle-free WordPress hosting.

WireGuard® private network

From: 9.00  / month

Create a secure network between your servers, computers, and cloud instances.

Even when separated by firewalls or subnets. Installs on any device in minutes, manages firewall rules for you, and works from anywhere.

Price per user

Domain name management (Domain not included)

19.00  / year

Register a domain .com name and create your online identity.

VOIP Virtual Number

19.00  / month and a 10.00  once-off setup

Get a virtual number in all the countries offered. This allows you to receive local calls even if you are on the other side of the world. The unlimited Elite package includes a virtual number.

Google Workspace Management

From: 19.00  / year

*Requires 12 months contract, subject to closeout charge for early termination (no refunds for prepaid amount)